Return of the Nordics | The government cannot bypass Quebecor

(Quebec) The government will absolutely have to come to an agreement with Quebecor to orchestrate a return of the NHL to Quebec since the company has a monopoly on hockey in the amphitheater built with public money.

Gabriel Beland

Gabriel Beland

Quebec City has confirmed to Press that a hockey team will not be able to play in the Videotron Center without the green light from the company, even if the municipality owns the facility. This means that the company has the right of life or death on the return of the Nordics.

“The manager of the amphitheater is QMI, and the City of Quebec cannot rent the amphitheater to another organization without involving QMI as a stakeholder,” confirms City spokesperson David O’Brien.

The government has revived in recent weeks speculations on the return of the Nordics. The Prime Minister indicated that discussions were taking place with “various potential investors of the club”.

“There is an amphitheater. Currently, [pour] In this amphitheater, there is a sort of right of first refusal for Mr. Péladeau. We must see if Mr. Péladeau is still [prêt] to spend 700 million and more for a hockey team. Otherwise, we have to see how we manage it with the City of Quebec to have the amphitheater, ”explained François Legault.

However, a careful reading of the “Hockey Bail” which binds QMI – a subsidiary of Quebecor – and the City of Quebec indicates rather that the company is unavoidable. “The Tenant will be the exclusive tenant of the Hockey Premises”, can we read in this agreement in force until 2051.

“Quebec City and QMI did not agree when signing the amphitheater management agreements in 2011 on parameters such as” rights of first refusal “or on what conditions other investors can obtain accreditation from the NHL in Quebec and have access to the amphitheater in Quebec, ”says David O’Brien.

Recall that the $ 400 million amphitheater, inaugurated in 2015, was funded almost entirely by public money. The Quebec government extended 200 million and the City 187 million. The group I have my place provided 13 million.

Quebecor still interested

The lease does, however, provide for a termination clause. Quebecor must indeed “deploy its best efforts to acquire an NHL franchise”.

But the company claims to be still in the race for a team. “We are still interested in their return to Quebec and to invest in an NHL franchise. The people of Quebec deserve this team and with the Videotron Center, a world-class amphitheater, we will be ready to welcome them. ”

“Quebecor was aware of the representations made by the Government of Quebec to Commissioner Bettman. We are very pleased that Premier Legault is taking this initiative and that he is contributing to the efforts already made to bring a team back to a major hockey fan market. We look forward to seeing the results of his approach. ”

Quebecor did not want to tell Press whether it would accept that a team of which it does not own operates in the Videotron Center.

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