Resignation of Rénald Grondin | The FTQ launches an independent investigation

(Quebec) The FTQ gives in to pressure and opens an independent investigation into the circumstances that allowed Rénald Grondin to become president of the FTQ-Construction even though he had harassed and sexually assaulted a secretary for two years. The National Assembly on Wednesday demanded that the union shed light on the revelations made by The Press.

Posted at 11:46 a.m.
Updated at 6:22 p.m.

Fanny Levesque

Fanny Levesque
The Press

Emilie Bilodeau

Emilie Bilodeau
The Press

The terms of the investigation have not yet been specified, but it will be conducted by an independent firm, assured the FTQ in a press release, Wednesday at the end of the day.

“We want to shed light on what led Rénald Grondin to become president of the FTQ-Construction, what led Rénald Grondin to rise through the ranks and become president of the FTQ-Construction in 2018. We will investigate to find out how he managed to get there,” explained Daniel Boyer, president of the FTQ, in a telephone interview.

The latter hopes that the investigation will determine who was aware of the assaults that Rénald Grondin subjected his secretary to, between 2008 and 2010, when he was the general manager of the Association of inter-provincial maneuvers. The facts were documented in a decision of the Professional Injuries Commission in 2012.

Daniel Boyer, however, did not want to come forward on possible sanctions against employees at the end of the independent investigation. “People who knew about it and didn’t say so, they’re not the attackers,” he said.

The president of the FTQ affirms that he has exchanged several calls with the Minister of Labor and with the FTQ-Construction since last Thursday. “We had to demand the resignation of Rénald Grondin. It was the first step and it was not to be missed. Subsequently, we set in motion everything that needed to be set in motion, including an action plan and an investigation,” he said.

The parties unite their voices

Earlier in the day on Wednesday, the National Assembly spoke with one voice, adopting a motion to demand that the FTQ launch an investigation to shed light on the events.

“The motion gave us the opportunity to send an extremely powerful message that this is unacceptable and intolerable” as a situation, reacted the Minister of Labor, Jean Boulet, at the end of the day. The latter promised to ensure that light is shed on the events revealed last Thursday.

” [Ce que je veux]it is to determine who knew, who should have known and how is it that there is a culture of opacity in this sector that allows events like those we know to occur for a good period time without that person being unmasked,” he added.

Jean Boulet nevertheless remains cautious. “I will be satisfied when the investigation is completed, when we have clear recommendations, when we have shed light on the events. Of course I’ll make sure […] to be informed of the conclusions of this investigation,” continued Mr. Boulet in an interview.


Renald Grondin

The union’s decision comes the day after the publication of a press release from the FTQ-Construction announcing that it was adopting an action plan to fight against psychological and sexual harassment in its ranks. The organization did not grant an interview on the subject. Dissatisfied, Minister Jean Boulet spoke directly to the president of the FTQ, Daniel Boyer, on Tuesday to reiterate his request for an investigation.

The motion submitted Wednesday by Jean Boulet, jointly with the deputies of the opposition parties, recalls that “all organizations must be exemplary in the prevention of psychological harassment and sexual harassment” and that “the construction industry does not is no exception”.

Motion submitted by Minister Jean Boulet

  • “That the National Assembly recognize that all organizations must be exemplary in the prevention of psychological harassment and sexual harassment;
  • That it underline that the construction industry is no exception and that it has the responsibility to ensure a healthy work environment free from all forms of harassment for all workers;
  • That it recalls that in 2021, women represented only 3.27% of the total labor force in industry and that around 55% of them leave construction sites after five years;
  • That the National Assembly reiterate that under the Labor Standards Actemployers are required to adopt a policy for the prevention of psychological and sexual harassment and to ensure compliance with it.
  • Finally, that the National Assembly demand that the Quebec Federation of Labor launch an investigation in order to shed light on the recent revelations concerning the presidency of the FTQ-Construction”.

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