Relegation of the Girondins de Bordeaux: the sadness of Alain Giresse

France Bleu Gironde: the DNCG, financial policeman of football, has just confirmed the administrative relegation of the Girondins de Bordeaux to National 1. How do you react to the news?

Alain Giresse : I pass a little by all the states. Sadness, disenchantment… I’m disillusioned but not completely surprised. Given the financial situation, I told myself that two weeks would not be enough to suddenly raise the bar. It’s weird, I have a funny feeling. I especially find it difficult to realize.

What does this club represent for you?

It’s a jersey I wore when I was a kid. As a kid, I was already very proud to play for this club. Then I became captain. I saw him grow. I saw the pride of Girondins supporters throughout a city, a region. It was an institution, a monument.

What do you say to the supporters tonight?

I have a real closeness with the supporters and I am wholeheartedly with them. If we like this club and its colors we will have to help it but I admit that it is not easy. A supporter loves his club but also loves high-level competition, big matches. I sympathize with them, we are all in the same boat, we suffer this sanction.

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