Relearning to navigate in symbiosis with the forces of nature

Nature doesn’t just surround us humans. We are part of nature, as “cells”, as thinking beings, but also as participants in the race of a planet located within a cosmos which surrounds us having created us as it keeps doing it, every second.

These years, we continue to speak, rightly, of “environmental and climatological problems”, as if nature were only external to our individual souls. But on the contrary, this same nature remains intimately linked to us, to our bodies as well as to our minds, it makes us as we are part of it. Each of the personal souls of humans who have lived on Earth for millions of years has been an integral part of the “soul of the world”, this is my conviction, my certainty having been exacerbated by my readings of William Blake and Giordano Bruno .

An intimate connection between all the living and even inert beings forming the Earth has indeed existed, even before the first steps of our prehistoric ancestors. But the appearance of Sapiens ended up fundamentally transforming the course of things, especially since the explosion of techno-scientific potential associated with actions set in motion by human reason, a reason however increasingly dissociated from planetary forces. , the very ones which nevertheless formed and forged behaviors, the essence of each psyche.

From the moment Friedrich Nietzsche reminded the world of the unmistakable “death of God”, an ever-increasing proportion of humans saw themselves above the forces of nature, the disappearance of the symbolism surrounding ” God” having facilitated the appearance of a new god apparently capable of everything: the human. For several centuries, and in particular since the industrial revolution, a new complexity has arisen, between a nature now considered at the service of “humanity”, and increasingly glorious human groups, in full development, but above all in full swing. demographic expansion.

So-called “artificial” intelligence, which every day and for several years has grown to such an extent, tends to want to confirm the almost unlimited potentialities of the human deity. We can say that in the 21ste century, a majority of humans (but often without their knowledge) rejected into the abysses of the unconscious the power of nature – cosmic nature as much as microscopic -, this humanity having reached levels of exaggeration such that the world population should soon reach 9, then 10 billion people. In almost all countries, within a majority of cultures, both Eastern and Western, a belief was born: nature must be subject to the goodwill of human and parahuman advances.

Obligatory humility

We should therefore not be surprised that this nature, so intimately inscribed in all aspects of our humanity, has now been set in motion so that a whole series of catastrophes inevitably occur, just to lower human pride to a new level. which will come closer to a better “common sense”, the only guarantee of a return to harmony on Earth.

The desire of certain extremely wealthy individuals to go and save the human race on Mars must instead give way to a necessary and obligatory humility. Nature cannot accept being subject to human desires, needs or whims alone. It is with all humility that humanity will have to accept that the seas will rise several meters, suddenly, in a few months or in a few years, this type of cataclysm being caused by the massive and accelerated melting of a majority of glaciers, a almost everywhere in the world, directly associated with the explosion of human activities.

It is only the “humble” function, always inserted in the collective unconscious – as in the unconscious of each personal psyche – which will be able to wisely face the thousand and one natural disasters about to occur. It is only in a post-cataclysmic situation that surviving humans will be able to find a saving balance.

An increasingly generalized belief in the “death of God”, among so many groups and in so many countries, could only amplify human pride, at the same time as the will to omnipotence, the spirit of transcendence having gradually been replaced by a strictly immanent (and nihilistic, it must be added) vision of life and death. It is not surprising that a new type of faith in a god of strictly human origin ended up giving a major boost to the forces of sea, land and heaven that rumble more than ever.

Humanity must begin to believe again in the notion of quality (the one discussed by Robert M. Pirsig in Treatise on Zen and motorcycle maintenance). One of the necessary conditions for a less catastrophic future is to relearn, urgently, how to navigate in symbiosis with the forces of nature, forces which are everywhere, around us, of course, but above all within us, at the heart of every being.

A highly necessary peaceful function existing in the soul of every human suggests him to walk more and more often, in the forest, even in the snow sometimes, for several hours, to feel the deep joy of simply breathing, in the deepest silence, accompanied by the flight of a few smiling titmice.

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