refugees welcomed in Italy, Austria and as far as Mexico

According to the latest UN count published on Monday March 21, nearly 3.5 million people have fled Ukraine since the start of the Russian offensive on February 24. Ten million people, or a quarter of Ukraine’s population, have been displaced by the conflicts. Mostly women and children, homeless and looking for new accommodation during the war. While the majority of refugees have been taken care of in neighboring countries of Ukraine, some are hosted in different countries around the world: among them, Italy, Austria and Mexico.

In Italy, the Ukrainian diaspora is getting organized

In three weeks, more than 55,000 refugees entered Italian territory: Ukrainians, many of whom were welcomed by their own families. Most cross the Italian border by car with an address already in their pocket, that of their mother or grandmother who lives here. The diUkrainian aspora in Italy is one of the largest in Europe, with nearly 250,000 people, 80% of whom are women. They have been living in Italy sometimes for 30 years, since the fall of the USSR, and work mainly as home helps. They therefore have an income, a residence permit, and often an apartment: this is what allows them today to welcome their daughters and grandchildren who are fleeing the war. On their arrival, most of them go directly to Milan, Rome and Naples, where this community of Ukrainians in Italy is concentrated.

And even if these refugees will be accommodated by their own means, the Italian authorities are setting up a reception plan. Up to 60,000 Ukrainians already housed will be entitled to government aid of a few hundred euros per month. Despite everything, Rome anticipates the lack of accommodation: in addition to those for asylum seekers, abandoned villages, old covid hotels or monasteries could be put to use. Hospitality financed by the State so that the care does not weigh on the municipalities, the associations, but also on the Italian families who are numerous to offer a roof.

For access to health services and Italian schools, more than 400 million euros have just been released. But that has to be enough… If the authorities do not give figures, the Italy-Ukraine association does not hesitate to estimate that 800,000 Ukrainians will eventually be received in Italy.

Austria shows its solidarity

Until now, Austria has mainly been a transit country for thousands of Ukrainian refugees, who were heading elsewhere. This is still true today, but we have seen in recent days that more and more of them are deciding to stay in the country. To date, more than 14,000 Ukrainians have thus registered in Austria, according to figures from the Ministry of the Interior. Dozens of first reception centers have already been set up across the country and more should be added in the coming days to cope with the increase in the number of arrivals.

Many Austrians send donations or offer accommodation. For example, on Saturday March 19, a support concert was organized in Vienna which brought together 40,000 people and raised more than 800,000 euros. A solidarity that moves Ukrainians arriving in Austria, like Anastasia, 20 years old.

“It’s a horrible situation, that’s why it’s very important for me to see how much people support us and I hope that no one will forget what is happening.”

Anastasia, Ukrainian refugee

at franceinfo

“I think I will stay in Vienna but at the same time I would like to go back to be with my father and my brother.she explains. I think about them every day, about how we can get together as soon as possible.” Experts expect Austria to host up to 200,000 Ukrainian refugees.

Mexico, gateway to the United States

In Mexico too hundreds of Ukrainian refugees have arrived in recent days by plane. But they all headed to Tijuana, in the northwest of the country, in the hope of seeking asylum in the United States. They therefore camped for several days at the San Ysidro border post in Tijuana, the busiest crossing point between Mexico and the United States. And then from March 18, the American immigration authorities opened the doors to them.

All Ukrainians now have access to temporary protection, a humanitarian visa that allows them to move freely in the United States, where most of them intend to seek asylum. Since September already, the number of Ukrainians who pass through Mexico to go to the United States had increased, but the phenomenon has taken on other proportions in recent days.

>>> “It’s not really better under Biden”: on the Mexican border, thousands of exiles are still suffering from Trump’s policy

But the fate of Russian refugees is very different. US immigration services sort by nationality. While the Ukrainians pass, the Russians are turned back, as are all the other refugees who present themselves at the border crossings that line the wall between Mexico and the United States, whether they are Central Americans, Venezuelans, Haitians, but also Mexicans. Like these, Russians must register on a list and wait their turn on the Mexican side before they can apply for asylum in the United States. These Russian refugees are mostly anti-war dissidents who have suffered repression from the Russian government.

source site-25