real estate and Livret A are still popular

Pover 61% of French households own real estate and nnine out of ten households have at least one savings product. The decryption of Fanny Guinochet.

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INSEE took an interest in the heritage of the French people and drew up a kind of composite portrait: ony thus learns that the Covid-19 crisis has not damaged the heritage of the French. The policy of “whatever the cost” allowed – overall – to the French to keep it. In their majority, they did not have to part with it, to sell it, to compensate for the loss of income during the pandemic.

In this study, we also see that more than 61% of French households own a property. More than one in two own their main residence. The rest is either a second home or a rental property, sometimes to lower taxes. Moreover, the proportion of the number of French owners has remained fairly stable for ten years. Over time, the stone remains a safe bet. We also understand why a reform of inheritance rights is such a sensitive subject because this heritage is what you leave as a legacy to your descendants.

It is to highlight that nearly nine out of ten households have at least one savings product. And the livret A remains by far the preferred placement of the French. 55 million have one. It is appreciated because it is risk-free even though it has long been low-paying. Last February, the government increased its yield, we are now at 1%, which is still far from the 4.8% inflation rate. If the rise in prices continues, however, it could be upgraded a little this summer. Households are also turning to life insurance. It has been gaining ground for more than 10 years. Today, 40% of households have a life insurance policy.

INSEE confirms that savings have risen sharply. But beware, not for everyone. It is above all the richest 20% of households who have been able to save money. As they could not consume due to confinements, go to restaurants or travel. In total, this additional savings represents, according to the Banque de France, more than 170 billion euros.

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