RC Lens defender Facundo Medina to appear in March for violence against his wife

RC Lens defender Facundo Medina will appear in court next March. The Argentinian is summoned before the Arras court on March 30, to respond to violence against his wife committed on New Year’s Eve.

“Guilty Plea” Procedure

The 22-year-old player is accused of having assaulted his wife on the night of December 24 to 25 at his home in Arras. According to the prosecution, the young woman was present at New Year’s Eve in the company of “several people” and said to have been attacked by Facundo Medina. The footballer had been placed in jail on December 26, and had recognized part of the facts.

He will therefore appear in the context of a “guilty plea” procedure, a procedure which allows quickly judge the author of an offense who admits the alleged facts. Contacted by AFP, the entourage of Facundo Medina did not wish to react.

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