Rafael Nadal soon to be a dad? The tennis player confirms!

It is a completely incredible year that lives Rafael Nadal in 2022. Who would have thought that the 36-year-old Spanish champion would pull off such a crazy season, winning the Australian Open in quick succession and a few weeks ago Roland-Garros, taking his number of tournament victories to 22? of the Grand Slam. A maddening performance, especially given the state of physical health of the player, very annoyed by his left foot and forced to find solutions to remedy it. Beyond his success on the tennis courts, Rafa is also about to experience real upheavals in his family life.

In a relationship and married to Xisca Perello since 2019, the great rival of Roger Federer and Novak Djokovic has remained very discreet on the subject, but according to information from the Spanish press, he is expecting his first child. Photographed while on vacation, the beautiful brunette shows off a well-rounded belly under his bathing suit, enough to put Spanish journalists in turmoil. After the rumors that arose yesterday, Rafael Nadal confirmed the information to his fans. Returning to his home in Manacor in the Balearic Islands, the king of clay was congratulated by fans who came to see him during his training.

Fans congratulate him, Rafael Nadal nods

As can be seen in the images taken at the time of this meeting by Ultima Hora, the fans congratulate him and Rafael Nadal, always discreet and friendly, politely thanks them. No more doubts, therefore, the brother of the pretty Maria Isabel will soon become a father for the first time. According to information from the Spanish press, Xisca Perello would already be 5 months pregnant and we wouldn’t have to wait much longer before the delivery, which should take place around October if all goes as planned.

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