Rafael Nadal dad for the 1st time: official confirmation… his wife is 5 months pregnant?

The magazine Hello ! as well as the very serious newspaper El Mundo had reported that Rafael Nadal was going to become a father for the first time, a few days after his new coronation at Roland Garros. Stolen photos of his wife, the very discreet Xisca, displaying a small round belly during a sea trip confirming this pregnancy until then kept secret. After briefly confirming the information to fans, the player opted for an official announcement.

This Friday, June 17, 2022, Rafael Nadal therefore revealed that he was going to be a father for the first time. “I’m going to be a father, I don’t usually talk about my personal life because I think I’m already exposed enough in my professional life“, was content to indicate the record holder of victories in Grand Slam tournaments, during a press conference in Palma de Mallorca; he has a tennis academy in his name on the island. “I do not foresee any change in my professional life“because of this upcoming birth, added the tennis player who confirmed to reporters his intention to play at the Wimbledon tournament which begins on June 27. Despite this pregnancy and, above all, his foot health problem, he intends to pursue his career a little longer.

Rumors about the pregnancy of the tennis player’s wife, whose real name is Mery Perelló, had already been circulating since Roland Garros, but they multiplied this week after the Spanish magazine Hello ! claimed to have had confirmation. He had been well informed! Rafael Nadal preferred not to say more, recalling that he and his entourage preferred to live in discretion. It is true that the player and his wife, married since 2019, are very rare in social events.

According to information from the Spanish site Ultima Hora, Rafael Nadal’s wife is already 5 months pregnant. Thus, baby should point the tip of his nose at the beginning of autumn. However, we do not yet know the sex of their future child.

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