Radio | It’s officially over between Pierre-Yves McSween and 98.5

After a few days of uncertainty, following an article in the Sun Reporting the end of financial popularizer Pierre-Yves’ participation in talk radio shows, Cogeco Media confirmed on Tuesday that the columnist will not be on air for the start of the school year.

This decision “came about in the context of an amicable agreement,” said Christine Dicaire, Senior Director, Marketing and Communications at Cogeco Media, in a press release.

Pierre-Yves McSween was to play an important role in the new version of the Quebec nowa show in which he already participated when Patrick Lagacé was the host, and to which he was to continue contributing with Philippe Cantin at the helm, from August 12.

According to what was reported The sun Friday, the disagreement between the station’s management and his collaborator was linked to the extent of the space he was to occupy at the microphone of Retour à la maison, the second most listened to program in Greater French-speaking Montreal, according to the most recent Numéris surveys from last June.

To explain its decision, 98.5 cites “a review of the strategic orientations of content and organization of the work of the program Quebec now “.

Since 2015, Pierre-Yves McSween has presented his columns in various shows, including Paul Arcand’s morning show, which will be succeeded by Patrick Lagacé. He has also hosted for Cogeco Media since last May the PodCash McSween.

On Facebook, the best-selling author wrote that he had “always been keen to make a difference in people’s lives” and wanted to keep “open the channel of communication that I have been fortunate to develop with the public.”

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