Quiz on immigration with student Toto Trudeau

The professor: Toto Trudeau, if in 2023 Quebec received 65,000 asylum seekers out of a Canadian total of 144,035, what total percentage of asylum seekers did Quebec receive?

Toto: 45.5%.

The teacher: that’s good, well done, Toto. Now, if we give $362.4 million to help the provinces of Canada welcome refugees, how much should Quebec receive from this sum?

Toto: uh, that’s a difficult question…

The professor: concentrate, Toto, you can find the answer.

Toto: uh, 100, uh, 100 million.

The teacher: no, think carefully Toto.

Toto: uh, the surplus of applicants will leave Quebec!

The professor: I’ll give you the answer, it’s 164.9 million. I’ll give you another chance with another problem.

Toto: oh, yes, thank you!

The Professor: Mr. Legault says he needs an additional $470 million per year for asylum seekers. How much does that amount to per asylum seeker in Quebec?

Toto: According to my calculations, that’s, uh, $1526.72 per person.

The professor: no, Toto. Try again.

Toto: uh, uh, you’re putting a lot of pressure on me there. Are there any Indigenous or transgender people among the asylum seekers? Because, because if so, they should receive more money than the others.

The Professor: Toto, no diversion, give me the answer.

Toto: it’s not important, uh, because, uh, later, we’re going to give more money.

Professor: Toto, the answer is $7,175.58 per asylum seeker. With an amount of 100 million, there is a shortage of 5,648.86 dollars per asylum seeker. Who will pay the difference?

Toto: well, that’s an easy question. Uh, the Quebec government just has to borrow the money!

The professor: but who will repay the loan?

Toto: uh, we have to repay that, a loan?

The professor: out, Toto!

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