Quebec tramway | Opponents of the project cite a vast conflict of interest

(Quebec) The lawsuit brought against governments by opponents of the Quebec tramway to derail the project began on Monday with allegations of conflict of interest at the top of the state. A prosecutor who represents Quebec has denounced arguments “that feed conspiracy theories”.

“Lies”, “cheating”, “deceit towards citizens”, “bad faith”… Lawyer Guy Bertrand did not mince his words at the Quebec courthouse.

“You must reject the decree [du gouvernement en faveur du tramway]because it was not done with honesty towards the population”, launched the lawyer.

Me Bertrand suggested that the decision of the City of Quebec and the Legault government to go ahead with the tramway stemmed from an apparent conflict of interest.

According to him, the authorities have decided to build a tram that will benefit the French company Alstom, in which the Quebec state is a shareholder through the Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec (CDPQ).

Me Bertrand also raised doubts about the independence of a specialist hired by the Ministère des Transports du Québec (MTQ) to analyze the tramway project. Jean-Marc Charoud had concluded that the tramway was the right means of public transport for the capital in a November 2020 report.

However, a twist according to Me Bertrand, the man was appointed four months later to the board of directors of CDPQ Infra, an appearance of conflict of interest.

“He has a conspiracy theory and wants to put it in front of you,” reacted Gabrielle Ferland-Gagnon, lawyer for the Attorney General of Quebec. Quebec is implicated before the Superior Court, because the government intends to finance a significant part of the project estimated at some 4 billion dollars.

The implications of Me Bertrand “nurture conspiracy theories against the Quebec state and the media,” she added.

“I find it very pejorative, the expression conspiracy theory”, retorted Me Dominique Bertrand, from Guy Bertrand’s cabinet. “It lacks respect for the complainants. »

The prosecution called its first two witnesses Monday morning in the five-day trial. The applicants request that the project be stopped until a referendum is held.

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