Quebec Provincial Police Association | Caught with an escort, a vice president is under investigation

A senior leader of the Quebec Provincial Police Association (APPQ) is in trouble. Surprised with an escort, Vice-President Charles Hopson allegedly obstructed the work of Sûreté du Québec police officers last week. He is now the subject of a disciplinary and criminal investigation.

Posted at 6:12 p.m.

Louis-Samuel Perron

Louis-Samuel Perron
The Press

“The vice-president of finance at the APPQ is currently relieved of his duties in connection with an event that occurred a few days ago. The facts alleged in connection with this event have no connection with the work he was doing within the Association”, reacted Monday Dominic Ricard, president of the APPQ, in a brief press release. The Association represents some 5,000 SQ police officers.

Lieutenant Benoit Richard, spokesperson for the SQ, also confirmed to The Press that Charles Hopson had been “relieved of his duties with full pay”. The provincial police force, however, refuses to say more about the circumstances of the suspension of the union leader and experienced police officer.

Charles Hopson was allegedly caught red-handed with an escort last week in Saint-Hyacinthe, according to police sources. He would then have interfered with the work of the SQ agents who were trying to identify the woman. The circumstances of the police intervention remain unclear.

Another blow for the APPQ

Criminal and disciplinary investigations are underway to shed light on this case, we learned. Note that Charles Hopson does not face any charges at this stage. He has been vice-president of finance for the APPQ since November 2020.

This is another blow for the APPQ this month. President Dominic Ricard announced his resignation ten days ago, while negotiations on the renewal of the police employment contract are stalling. He remains in office until the beginning of December.

“After more than a year of negotiations, we have to admit that the Treasury Board has a lack of knowledge of the police profession and that it has no recognition of the involvement and work of a police force in level 6 “, then wrote Dominic Ricard on Facebook.

During the 2020 union elections, Charles Hopson and incumbent President Dominic Ricard campaigned side by side combing Quebec police stations for weeks.

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