Quebec | Man dies after head-on collision

A car driver driving in the opposite direction on the Robert-Bourassa highway in Quebec City hit a van head-on, killing a man and seriously injuring the passenger, overnight from Thursday to Friday.

Alcohol could be involved in this fatal accident which occurred around 2 a.m. on the night of Thursday to Friday, indicates Béatrice Dorsainville, spokesperson for the Sûreté du Québec. At this time, a driver in his twenties started driving on the Robert-Bourassa highway (740) in the capital, but in the opposite direction.

A van traveling in the right direction was hit at Boulevard Père-Lelièvre. The driver, a man in his 50s, was taken to hospital with serious injuries. He finally succumbed to it on Friday, underlines Mme Dorsainville.

The driver at fault was seriously injured, but his life is not in danger. A passenger who accompanied him, as well as the passenger in the van, both suffered serious injuries.

A reconstructionist went to the scene to establish the circumstances of the tragedy and an investigation was opened by the Sûreté du Québec.

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