Quebec adds 39 deaths to its death toll from COVID-19, hospitalizations drop

Thirty-nine new deaths attributable to COVID-19 are added to Quebec’s balance sheet on Friday, while a drop of 98 hospitalizations is reported.

The number of hospitalizations stands at 2,214. Among these patients, 164 are in intensive care, a decrease of nine.

The Ministry of Health reports 2662 new cases. However, this number is not representative of the situation since access to screening centers is restricted to priority clienteles.

Since the start of the pandemic, 894,613 infections have been officially reported, and 13,656 of them have proven fatal.

A total of 76,472 rapid tests, including 59,388 positive, have been self-reported so far on the platform put online by the government. For Thursday, 753 cases were declared, including 560 positive.

As for vaccination, 30,651 doses were administered in the last 24 hours in Quebec, including 20,279 booster doses.

Some data is not available, as Santé-Québec has indicated on its Twitter account that due to a technical problem, it is not possible to disseminate the dashboard at this time.

According to the National Institute of Public Health, 85.8% of the province’s population has received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Among those aged 12 and over, 92.5% have received at least one dose and 90.4% are adequately vaccinated.

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