Qatar at the heart of the negotiations



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War between Israel and Hamas: Qatar at the heart of the negotiations

War between Israel and Hamas: Qatar at the heart of the negotiations – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – S. Perez, L. de Villepin, S. Yassine, R. Laurentin

France Televisions

If Israel and Hamas have not spoken directly since the start of the war, several countries are mediating to try to extend the truce. There we find the United States, Egypt and Qatar, which has managed to make itself essential.

Saturday, November 25, while Hamas is suspending the release of the second group of hostages and confusion has set in in southern Gaza, a plane leaving from Qatar has just landed in Israel, via Cyprus. On board, a delegation led by the Qatari Minister of Foreign Affairs. Qatar is playing on its credibility, it is a key player in the agreement on the release of the hostages and would like to obtain an extension of the ceasefire. But the truce hangs by a thread.

Qatar as intermediary

Qatar is on the ground and showing it. A Qatari minister responsible for the humanitarian aspect was in Gaza on November 25. The Emir of Qatar also received a call from Joe Biden, the President of the United States, to advance the negotiations. He is the only one who dialogues with both Israel and Hamas, whose political branch he hosts and which he finances.

Doha is playing its part alongside Egypt, which is decisive in unlocking the release of hostages. Officially, the truce ends Monday, November 27 after new releases. Qatar dreams of obtaining an extension of this truce and the release of more hostages. It would be another stone in the garden of its diplomatic power.

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