Purchasing power: the Senate votes the redemption of RTT and the tax exemption of overtime


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The senators, within the framework of the examination in first reading of the bill of amending financeadopted, on Monday, August 1, the measures providing for the redemption of RTT and the tax exemption of overtime. On the other hand, the tax on superprofits did not pass.

To 22 voicesgap onlythe amendment on the taxation of the superprofits of large companies was not adopted by the senators, Monday August 1, within the framework of the examination in first reading of the bill of amending finance. An amendment narrowly rejected for the government, opposed to this taxation of large companies which would have benefited from the crisis.

Two measures were adopted by the senators. The Senate has thus made permanent the raising to 7,500 euros of the tax exemption ceiling for overtime, and the possibility for companies to buy back the RTTs of their employees. For the left, it’s a coup. “Acting on a possibility of redemption definitively buries the symbolic barrier of weekly work. It is a direct attack against the very idea of ​​sharing working time, therefore sharing wealth”reacted Thomas Dossusenvironmental senator from the Rhône.

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