(Montreal) Following the declarations of the President of the Treasury Board, Sonia LeBel, inviting public sector unions to reduce the number of their requests, since she will do the same, the common front invites her to “avoid operations of blackmail.”
In recent hours, Minister LeBel has committed to pruning her own employer demands, reducing the number to five. And she asked all unions in the public and parapublic sectors to do the same exercise with their sectoral demands, namely those affecting working conditions in sectors such as health and education.
If the unions undertake to reduce the number of their sectoral demands, it undertakes to maintain the bonuses received by thousands of workers until December, the time to finalize the rest of the negotiation of collective agreements.
Several of these bonuses were due to end on March 31 and have already been extended on two occasions by Quebec. They were to end on September 30, but on Monday, Quebec announced that they would continue until mid-October. These bonuses total 600 million, said the minister.
The common front, which brings together the CSQ, the CSN, the APTS and the FTQ, believes that the ball is in the government’s court and that it will take stock of its exercise in reducing its employer demands when the exercise has been completed. been conducted.
As for prioritizing certain sectoral requests, he adds that “we must improve the conditions of all categories of network personnel”.