Prunay: Champagne Aeroclub and Reims Glider Association

The Fête de l’Aviation will take place on Friday 23, Saturday 24 and Sunday 25 September 2022 throughout France. In the Grand Est, go to Reims, Troyes and Sarreguemines in particular.

If aviation connects men, it also allows us to dream, it also carries values ​​that we need to build our future: innovation, genius, courage, daring, team spirit

In this program to listen via the reader on this page, Olivier Cattiaux receives Armand Lecorche President of the Champagne Aeroclub, Rachid Khemiri president of Reims Glider, Marc Hameury EDEIS operations manager at Prunay aerodrome.

Aviation Day 2022

Troyes airport in Champagne
Reims-Prunay Airport
Aeronautical Hope of Sarreguemines

Champagne Aeroclub facebook page
Facebook page Association Reims Glider

Program to listen to in replay via the player on this page

source site-36