Protect your plants from frost

We are in winter and the negative night temperatures are not recommended for our plants, especially those in pots, so Emmanuel Grosbois (Jardin A Fleur d’Eau in Cherveux) advises us to go back to the emergency shelter the pots that we forgot outside. If possible, place them near a light source in a garage or similar room. Remember to water them when the soil is dry.

For the heaviest potted plants that you can no longer move, consider the winter veil. This material will stop the frost but allow the rain, which is essential for the plant, to pass through. Emmanuel warns us against the temptation of the plastic sheet which stops the rain and can therefore be fatal to the plants trapped inside.

And if we have old sheets or other fabrics, can it be used as a wintering veil?

This is possible provided that you make several turns: the fabric will soak up water and can therefore freeze, you must at all costs prevent this frozen layer from coming into contact with the plant. Therefore, with several layers of fabric, you will prevent the gel from reaching the plant.

Be careful, if the frost has reached the roots: it’s finished, your plant is good for the trash.

Emmanuel Grosbois:

Not the trash can: compost of course!

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