Pro-Palestinian protesters | Valérie Plante evacuated during a district council meeting on Tuesday

Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante was evacuated from a Ville-Marie borough council meeting Tuesday evening when the session was disrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters.

Chanting various slogans such as “Israel bombs, Quebec provides the weapons!”, the fifteen demonstrators accused the mayor of being “complicit” in the war that the Israeli regime is waging against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Meanwhile, Mme Plante and the other councillors present observed the scene in silence. Officers from the Montreal Police Department (SPVM) then escorted the activists out of the room.

“The police intervened and everyone who was present had to leave. The mayor was evacuated and placed in safety. The troublemakers were then expelled from the room,” said officer Jean-Pierre Brabant, spokesperson for the SPVM.

No arrests were made and no incidents were reported during the operation, said Officer Brabant.

The council meeting, which began at around 6:30 p.m., was then able to resume its normal course.

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