priority vehicles at the pump


France 3

Article written by

E. Lagarde, L. Verdi, B. Loth, M. Coste C. Mathieu, P. Miette – France 3

France Televisions

Tuesday, October 11, certain professions, caregivers or law enforcement have priority to fill their vehicles. Departments have also limited the amount of fuel when filling up.

In Toulon (Var), a long queue formed in front of a gas station on Tuesday, October 11. Only professionals are allowed to access the pumps, which are guarded by the police. A caregiver was notified the same morning by the prefecture and learned that he was one of the priority vehicles. At another station, an ambulance cuts a line. “We transport patients and then we are on SAMU duty almost every day, so if there is no petrol, we cannot go for SAMU interventions”says a paramedic.

Law enforcement, health professions, public water and energy services are thus priorities in some departments. In the Var, supplies are limited to 30 liters on Tuesday. “Everyone must be able to go to work too”, says a woman. The ban on filling cans and jerry cans has been extended to the whole of France.

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