Prince William “between sorrow and anger”: relatives swing on his relationship with his brother Harry

Between Prince William and his brother Harry, nothing is going right! The two children of the late Princess Lady Diana – whose fashion sense is copied by Kate – have been cold for a few years. In 2020, Harry had left the royal family to go into exile in the United States with his wife Meghan Markle and their son Archie.

the DailyMail + published on Friday June 17 a series of articles on the occasion of Prince William’s 40th birthday which will take place on Tuesday June 21. Relatives told the newspaper that Prince William is shared “between mourning what he lost, and periods of anger at what his brother didbut that however “he really loves Harry”.

A “freezing” atmosphere

During the mass held at Saint Paul’s Cathedral during the jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, those close to Prince William observed an atmosphere “freezing” between him and his brother Harry. What the editor of the Mirror RoyalRussell Myers in the article for DailyMail + : “The brothers didn’t look at each other or make eye contact at all. Harry was craning his neck to look at William, and he wasn’t even staring back.” Another relative said that prince william “is absolutely allergic to drama, but Harry made sure their family dirty laundry was aired globally.”

According to Daily Beast, during Queen Elizabeth II’s Jubilee held from June 2 to 5, 2022, Harry and his wife Meghan were not allowed to stand on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in the company of the monarch and left England via private jet ahead of a final appearance by the 96-year-old Queen. For their part, Kate and William preferred to make a public appearance with their children instead of attending the first birthday of Lilibet, the daughter of Meghan and Harry who celebrated her 1st birthday on June 4th.

Finally, according to a relative of Prince Charles’ eldest son who also testified in the DailyMail +Prince William, who is charting his own course, seems to be “today more at peace with himself than ever.”

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