Prince Harry is already planning the continuation after the death of the queen, Meghan Markle in a black anger

Would Prince Harry (37) regret his choice to leave the British royal family and go to the United States with his wife Meghan Markle? According to the former editor of Vanity Fair, Tina Brown, Prince William’s brother is reportedly considering returning to Britain after the death of his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II, in order to serve.

Only problem, his wife Meghan Markle would be totally against setting foot in England. And for good reason, the actress of the series Suits fears returning to the British royal family after his remarks about racism at Buckingham Palace to Oprah Winfrey. “I think Harry will want to come back when the Queen dies to serve her country. And I think they’ll find a way to bring him back. And it’s possible that Meghan – maybe they will have a shuttle arrangement. I do not know. I don’t see Meghan wanting to go back there one day. She doesn’t like England“said Tina Brown.

“maximum chaos”

According to her, the departure of Prince Harry and his wife (nicknamed the Megxit) would even be “a disaster for both parties“.”Harry and Meghan caused ‘maximum chaos’ quitting the royal family because they are addicted to drama” she also added.

Supposed to be at odds with his brother William but also with Kate Middleton, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are also invited to the Queen’s Jubilee but were banned from joining the royal family during the traditional ceremony on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. “After careful consideration, the Queen has decided that the traditional balcony appearance for the Trooping the Color Thursday June 2 will this year be limited to Her Majesty and members of the Royal Family who carry out official public engagements on behalf of the Queen.“announced a spokesperson for the monarch a few days ago.

I really think thatthere is a Harry-shaped hole in the royal family now. And Harry was adored, in fact, by the British people. And people loved Meghan when she came into the family“concluded the former editor-in-chief of Vanity Fair, promoting his book The Palace Papers: Inside The House Of Windsor – The Truth And The Turmoil.

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