Prime Minister Jean Castex, tested positive, is in solitary confinement



France 3

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Tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday, November 22, Prime Minister Jean Castex performs his duties in isolation from the Palais de Matignon. Jean-Baptiste Marteau, journalist France Télévisions, is on site.

Contact case several times, Jean Castex was finally tested positive for Covid-19 Monday, November 22 and must remain in isolation, in the Palace of Matignon, for a few days. “His symptoms are mild as known to those around Jean Castex”, recalls Jean-Baptiste Marteau, journalist France Televisions. His state of health does not therefore prevent him from continuing his duties as Prime Minister from his home, where he resides with part of his family.

The Minister will follow the Defense Council through a videoconference. “It is a practice that he knows well, he who has also been in contact twice since this Covid-19 epidemic”, specifies the journalist. By being tested positive for the coronavirus, many French and Belgian ministers are now contact cases.

Jean Castex was seen in particular without a mask and in the process of shaking hands for a few days. “It’s not easy to explain to the French that you have to put the mask back on and keep the barrier gestures, when you see the images of a Prime Minister, without a mask, shaking dozens of hands inside”, concludes Jean-Baptiste Marteau.

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