Primary Popular: Christiane Taubira wins hands down



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The former Keeper of the Seals won the popular left-wing primary on Sunday, January 30, ahead of all the other declared candidates, Yannick Jadot, Anne Hidalgo and Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

She was the favorite given candidate of the Popular Primary. Here she is victorious. The former Keeper of the Seals, Christiane Taubira, obtained the greatest number of favorable mentions and easily won the nomination for this primary, while leaving the door open to other candidates. “I will take the initiative to call the other candidates. I will do it with respect. I will call Anne, Yannick, Fabien and Jean-Luc, because each and everyone is legitimate in their place”she said after her victory on Sunday, January 30.

For their part, the other presidential candidates seem to be sticking to their positions and are not ready for a joint candidacy from the left. “Christiane Taubira emerges victorious, it’s one more candidacy”estimated Yannick Jadot. “I’m a little tired of phone calls where I’m taken for a marble, it ends up upsetting me”said Jean-Luc Mélenchon. “It could have been a moment of rallying of the whole left for a single candidacy. It’s one more candidacy”retorted the current mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo.

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