“Pretty indecent” to re-elect a “very majority” CAQ government, according to Éric Duhaime

LAVAL | Insisting on “the ten” broken promises “of the CAQ during the last term, Éric Duhaime warns voters that it would be “quite indecent” to grant a “very large majority” to this party on the evening of October 3.

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“More and more people are worried about the election of a government that would be very majority. Democratically, it would be a problem all the more so since if he has not respected his commitments, he will respect them even less in the event that he is re-elected,” mentioned the Conservative leader, Monday morning, during a press briefing held in Laval.

According to him, “a government that broke the main commitments it made to the people and that would be re-elected with more deputies and more votes, that would be something quite indecent, thank you.”

Mr Duhaime listed ten “broken CAQ promises”. These are, according to him, the private sector in health, the 3rd link to the east, waiting lists in health, the exploitation of hydrocarbons, kindergartens for 4 years, GNL Quebec, lists of waiting in childcare centres, the reform of the voting system, the pedophile registry and the reduction in the size of the State.

Can COVID-19 explain the non-fulfilment of some of these commitments? “The pandemic has a broad back,” replied the conservative leader.

Willingness to change

Despite his urgent call to have Conservative deputies elected to the National Assembly (reminder here: https://www.journaldequebec.com/2022/09/26/absurde–de-ne-pas-elire-des-conservateurs) , Mr Duhaime denied fearing a disappointing result next week.

“I’m not afraid. But you still have to be aware that this is a very important election. We are witnessing in Quebec at a political level, he insisted. We have to make sure that we come out of this election with a portrait that is the most representative of the will of Quebecers.”

Éric Duhaime was also delighted with the good preliminary figures for the advance poll, particularly in the ridings of the Capitale-Nationale region where he has great hopes of being elected himself and of earning as much as possible. of Conservative candidates.

“It’s a great signal. When there is a desire for change, the participation rate generally increases. When people are satisfied and they want to re-elect a government, usually the participation rate is a little lower, he analyzed. There might be something going on.”

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