Presidential 2022: Marine Le Pen dominated in the Overseas



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The unfortunate finalist in the presidential election achieved a considerable score in Guadeloupe and Martinique, in particular. However, by reporting the total number of votes garnered by Marine Le Pen, it is only a little over 430,000 voters.

In the Overseas Territories, Marine Le Pen came first in eight territories, including seven who had voted overwhelmingly for Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the first round. “This ‘anti-Macron’ feeling can be seen very clearly since in the second round, the majority of Overseas France voted for Marine Le Pen. A very different scenario from 2017, where Emmanuel Macron came first at the end of the second round. In the departments most affected by the protest against the health policy led by the government of Emmanuel Macron, the score is very high, as in Guadeloupe where it is close to 70% “explains Lise Vogel, from the writing of franceinfo.

“We can put these scores into perspective a little bit if we look at what happened in terms of abstention. In these same territories, abstention is clearly higher than the national average. More than 52% in Guadeloupe, around 54% in Martinique and more than 61% in Guyana.All this to say that in terms of the number of voters, if we relate the votes of the overseas territories to the total score of Marine Le Pen, just over 13 million votes, we realize that just over 430,000 voters voted for her in these territories”concludes Lise Vogel.

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