Pregnancy and high level sport

On the occasion of the release of a guide produced by the Ministry of Sports on high-level sport and maternity, several testimonials from women demonstrate the coherence and magic of this dual project.

Nausea, weight gain, body upset, reorganization of her life… At first glance, one might think that maternity and high-level sport are not very compatible. However, I am now in my 7th month of pregnancy and I can continue to move. By adapting and obviously, by being followed by specialists.

Surprisingly even, pregnancy helps me progress in certain areas. For example, I have a more supple body, thanks to relaxin, a pregnancy hormone. This allowed me to reach certain positions in yoga that were inaccessible until now. My hips are wider. The pain in this area, which is very often worn out by fencers, has thus diminished. In the pool, what a joy to be pregnant. An “integrated buoy” to float better slipped under my jersey.

On the fencing side, I obviously don’t fight anymore, but that gives me a little more time to heal wear and tear injuries, or to strengthen areas that are sometimes forgotten, such as the foot or the shoulder. Another advantage: my cardio sessions, on an exercise bike, were also shortened. After a few pedal strokes, I arrive more quickly in the red zone. The golden rule during maternity is to always be able to speak during an effort.

This guide to high-level sport and pregnancy proves it: you can come back stronger after pregnancy. One could almost speak of an unfair advantage over men.

I call them my safeguards. My swimming pool teacher, my physical trainer, my gynecologist know how to find the words to set me a new framework. When you know your body, there is a lot of common sense. But being active, surrounded by specialists, reassures and gives confidence and energy.

This guide also comes at the right time to break some received ideas and to continue to change mentalities within federations, clubs, coaches. Such sharing of experiences allows all women, regardless of their situation, to find answers. Finally, as today’s athletes may be tomorrow’s coaches, linking pregnancy and high-level sport can become possible and inspiring for the new generation.

Obviously, when the child arrives in this daily life made up of travels, hazards, internships, competitions and challenges, a new organization will have to be found. But I’m also convinced of it: a birth makes it easier to get to the point, to be less susceptible to gossip. In a word: to understand the meaning of priorities.

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