Prawn skewer, turmeric sweet potato purée, Granny Smith apple brunoise, coriander and dill

To cook like a chef, here is the list of ingredients for 6 people and the recipe to follow step by step!


– 24 prawns

– 24 sweet potatoes

– turmeric

– a Granny Smith

– coriander

– dill

– radishes

– milk

– arugula

– lemongrass oil

– ginger


Make a puree. Peel and cut the sweet potato into small pieces. Cook it in a large volume of salted water. Check for doneness by pricking with a knife, drain and blend with an immersion blender. Then add the turmeric.

Shell the prawns, skewer them and sauté them for a few minutes in olive oil.

Wash and cut the Granny Smith apple into a brunoise, add the cilantro and dill (chopped) then season with oil.

Finally, wash and finely chop the radishes, then set them aside.


Place, in a circle, a base of sweet potato cream then the brunoise of Granny Smith as well as a skewer of prawns. On the side, place 2 quenelles then the slices of radish and, finally, the edible flowers.

All you have to do is enjoy!

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