poll against poll, Nupes is divided on the interest of a common list

The secretary of the Greens judges that several independent leftist lists will send more MEPs to Parliament in 2024. La France insoumise for its part defends the strategy of a common list.

Challenge together the first place at the National Rally? Or get more elected separately? Everyone sees noon on their doorstep within the Nupes for the European elections to be held in 2024. Ecologists and rebels interpret the polls in the light of their strategies, for or against a common list.

The secretary of Europe Ecologie Les Verts (EELV), Marine Tondelier, judges that several independent left-wing lists will send more MEPs to the European Parliament than a common front of the four parties of the Nupes alliance (EELV, LFI, PS, CPF). She relies on a poll commissioned by her party to Harris Interactive which points out that separate left lists would accumulate 33% of voting intention (11% for EELV, 10% for the PS, 9% for LFI and 3% for the PCF), when a common list would cap at 19 %.

Insubordinate France pleads for “unity”

On the side of rebellious France, however, they continue to preach the alliance. “We can finish at the top of the Europeans, beat the far right and make Nupes the alternative to ending Macronism”, wants to believe the party coordinator, Manuel Bompard. Because they too have their reading grid of the polls. An Ifop survey for the Sunday newspaper places a united list of Nupes in the lead, tied with the RN (26%), ahead of the presidential camp (22%). In the campaign, unity gives us a much better potential for progression.”assures the deputy Danièle Obono on Twitter.

But this poll also promises more cumulative votes (35%) if the left-wing parties present themselves separately, and therefore more MEPs, even if each of the lists would take the risk of arriving far behind the RN and the presidential camp. “35% separated is much better than 19, 23 or 26% together”summarized Mélanie Vogel, co-president of the European Green Party.

On the environmental side, however, the debate does not seem to be completely settled. MP Sandrine Rousseau, who is rather in favor of a single list, believes that preventing the RN from coming to the top would make it possible to install “the story” that the extreme right “did not win all of Europe”.

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