political scientist Nabil Ennasri and lobbyist Jean-Pierre Duthion were referred

The two men were in police custody in Paris. The investigation concerns in particular suspicions of corruption and influence peddling.


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The Paris judicial court.  (VINCENT ISORE / MAXPPP)

The custody of political scientist Nabil Ennasri and lobbyist Jean-Pierre Duthion has been lifted, Agence Radio France learned from a judicial source. Nabil Ennasri and Jean-Pierre Duthion were both referred.

Judicial information is open on counts of active and passive corruption of a private person; corruption and influence peddling, active and passive, in an organized gang, of a public elected official; breach of trust, money laundering, money laundering of tax fraud, non-compliance by a representative of interest with their communication obligations to the HATVP, concealed work.

Lobbyist Jean-Pierre Duthion, involved in several foreign influence operations, had been placed in police custody in Paris, the Radio France investigation unit learned from sources close to the matter. Its role had been established by the “Story Killers” investigation, led by the French consortium of journalists “Forbidden Stories” involving the investigation unit of Radio France. According to our revelations, a BFMTV journalist had broadcast biased news at the request of Jean-Pierre Duthion.

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