points not withdrawn after a computer bug, internship centers in difficulty



Video length: 2 min

Driving license: points not withdrawn after a computer bug, training centers in difficulty

Due to a computer problem, some motorists committing an offense receive a fine, but do not lose points. Point recovery centers have seen their number of trainees drop.

(France 2)

Due to a computer problem, some motorists committing an offense receive a fine, but do not lose points. Point recovery centers have seen their number of trainees drop.

For several months, some offenders have received their fine, but do not lose points. As a result, points recovery training centers say they receive 35% fewer people, with repercussions on employment. “Our hosts are canceled, and some find themselves in an extremely difficult situation,” explains Philippe Augé, deputy manager of CER Bobillot in Paris.

More than 20% of the 300 centers in difficulty

More than 20% of the 300 centers in France are in financial or administrative difficulty. A computer bug, which occurred in January when the withdrawal of points for speeding below 5 km/h was removed, is the cause of the problem. Road safety, which recognized a complication, promises a return to normal “in the coming days”stating that the offenses concerned will be “treated”. Points recovery training centers are already deploring a loss of 8 million euros.

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