Poinçonnet basketball players play in the final of the Coupe de France Trophy

It’s a historic day for the Poinçonnet basketball players! The Berrichonnes are playing, this Friday, April 22, the final of the Coupe de France Trophy for the first time in their history. This is the Coupe de France reserved for amateurs.

The Indian basketball players will face Monaco in the final, and try to win the title. The meeting will take place on the Paris Bercy floor from 6 p.m.. “It’s really an honor for us, we will try to do well to bring back this trophy”promises Captain Grace M’baïkoua.

Give it all with no regrets”

For this, the Poinçonnet players can count on their supporters: 300 supporters leave by bus, direction Bercy, to encourage them. “There is the family, the relatives, the supportersshe continues. We’re going to have a lot of people behind us”.

And according to François Ménival, their coach, there could be even more people. “We may even have 500 people in Bercy to support us, it’s incrediblehe rejoices. I just want to please them by extending the adventure with a victory”.

“We have already accomplished something, we will give everything without having any regretspromises Grace M’baïkoua. We have all played at this level for quite a long time, we have experienced girls. We know that everything can be decided in one match, and that the Coupe de France has nothing to do with the championship”.

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