PLQ leadership race | Suffering from cancer, Karl Blackburn will not be there

Karl Blackburn will not enter the race for leadership of the Quebec Liberal Party. It’s not for lack of interest, because he thought about it “seriously”, but because he has cancer.

Mr. Blackburn announced the news to his troops at the Employers’ Council on Monday afternoon.

The president of the organization was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Even though he feels “energetic and the prognosis is encouraging,” he will have to prioritize his health in the coming months to fight the disease.

“Over the past few months, many people have encouraged me to enter the race for leadership of the Quebec Liberal Party. Those who know me know how much I love Quebec and how much I want to make a difference. Anyone who cares about the future of Quebec and receives these expressions of interest would seriously consider it. And I thought about it. Seriously. “, he said in a press release.

In the coming months, Karl Blackburn will reconcile the medical protocol to which he will have to submit with his responsibilities at the CPQ.

Further details will follow…

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