Plastic straws strike back

You may know that Canada has decided to ban plastic items, such as straws or grocery bags. However, a court decision has just re-authorized some of these products. Complicated, all that? The Aces unravel this story for you!

Originally, the Government of Canada was to ban six single-use plastic products starting in December 2023. This included, among other things, straws, utensils, grocery bags and take-out food dishes. restaurants.

This is because these products are found too often in the environment and cause enormous pollution. The Minister of the Environment, Steven Guilbeault, therefore made the decision to ban them by categorizing them as toxic substances. But the companies that manufacture and sell plastic have not said their last word!

The Coalition for Responsible Plastic Use (CURP), which represents around thirty of these companies, has decided to sue the government. According to CURP, it is not true that all plastic products are toxic and therefore not all should be banned.

The return of plastic

On November 16, 2023, Federal Judge Angela Furlanetto ruled that there was a lack of evidence to say that all plastic items are toxic. She decided that straws, grocery bags, utensils, takeout food, coffee stirrers and drink rings should no longer be considered toxic. According to her, the government was wrong to ban all plastics at once.

What will the government do?

The Minister of the Environment, Steven Guilbeault, said he was stunned by this decision. According to him, all scientific studies prove that plastic waste has an impact on nature and health.

Steven Guilbeault wants the government to appeal, which means that he plans to challenge the judge’s decision. We therefore understand that the government is ready to fight to ban these plastic products once and for all.

And you, do you think that single-use plastic items should be permanently banned? What could you use to replace them?

Maël Brunet, trainee journalist

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