[RECTIFICATIF. Dans une première version de cet article, nous indiquions que Gabriel Attal avait annoncé une mention “fauteur de trouble” portée dans le dossier ParcourSup d’élèves perturbateurs. Ce terme n’a pas été prononcé par le Premier ministre. Matignon précise qu’une mention figurera bien sur le dossier des élèves concernés, mais celle-ci n’est pas encore définie. Nous présentons nos excuses à nos lecteurs.]
“L’authority and the common rule are too often defied by certain young people.” The Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, spoke on Thursday, April 18, from the square in front of the town hall of Viry-Châtillon (Essonne), a town recently marked by the death of Shemseddine, 15, who was beaten near his college. Four young men, three minors and one adult, were indicted for “assassination” on April 10.
Emmanuel Macron asked Gabriel Attal on Wednesday, during the Council of Ministers, to launch a consultation to find solutions to the “emergence of ultraviolence”particularly among the youngest, with the objective of producing a bill before the summer.
The Prime Minister rolled out his government’s road map on Thursday on this “Grenelle” of violence, divided into three parts (judicial, parents and screens, prevention). With the following schedule : eight weeks of collective work, with a progress update in four weeks. “We need a burst of authority”he added, deploring “an addiction of some of our adolescents to violence”. Here’s what to remember from his announcements.
Boarding placement to prevent delinquency
Gabriel Attal first announced the possible placement of young people in boarding schools “bad Company”. “Before a young person falls into delinquency, we we will offer to parents this solution, so that it is “far from his neighborhood and those who pushed him to dive“, argued the head of government.
Gabriel Attal announces that young people could be placed in boarding schools to prevent delinquency, during a speech in Viry-Châtillon (Essonne), on April 18, 2024.
Gabriel Attal announces that young people could be placed in boarding schools to prevent delinquency, during a speech in Viry-Châtillon (Essonne), on April 18, 2024.
He assures that “tens of thousands of places [sont] desperately empty” in establishments and that they can be used for these placements. The Prime Minister also announced that he would go to a boarding school in Nice on Monday. He also recalled that middle school students from priority neighborhoods would be educated every day of the week from 8 hours at 6 p.m. hours, from the next school year.
“Resigned” parents financially punished
For the Prime Minister, “education starts at home”. He wish “make resigning parents responsible”, so that they may “answer for the actions of their children.. He therefore wants them to do “the subject of works of general interest”. If they do not attend the judge’s summons, Gabriel Attal opens the door to a “fine”.
“It’s not just the parent who lives with the child who has to pay.”he specifies, in reference to single mothers. “NOTWe will now come and collect both parents to pay for the repairs. Just because one parent has left the home doesn’t mean they should wash their hands of their child’s education.”
Measures on social networks to come
On the subject of social networks, the head of government wishes to go further than measures on “digital ban”. “A bill proposed by MP Laurent Marcangeli was adopted. It sets the numerical majority at 15 years. It must now be enforced”he also recalled.
Gabriel Attal above all promised to submit the conclusions of a commission on social networks “at the end of the month”. It was announced by Emmanuel Macron in January, during a press conference at the Elysée. “There may be bans, there may be restrictions” And “maybe also restrictions on content”, he said.
Reinforced security in 350 additional schools
“The school must remain a sanctuary where violence never has a place”insisted the Prime Minister, recalling that 150 high-risk establishments have already “given their reinforced security”. He announced that “350 additional schools” were going to be accompanied soon.
For Gabriel Attal, “the battle for authority is also won in the classroom“. He recalled several measures already taken, such as the establishment of empathy courses and the doubling of hours of moral and civic education, and urged the Minister of Education, Nicole Belloubet, to enforce, as soon as the next school year, rules of citizenship like “get up as soon as a teacher enters the class”.
Educational commissions from primary school
“From the next school year, we are establishing educational committees from primary school, with appropriate sanctions” at this level, promised Gabriel Attal. He also wishes that “parents sign a contract of rights and obligations with the educational establishments”, which could lead to sanctions if it is not respected. “We will use the next four weeks to define the outlines of this contract and the sanctions to which the parties would be exposed. parents”added the Prime Minister.
Points deducted from exams for disruptive students
The Prime Minister also wants disruptive students to see their studies affected by their actions. “I am in favor of young people who most seriously disrupt classes being penalized on their certificate, CAP or baccalaureate, and that a note be placed on their Parcoursup file when they have seriously disrupted the life of the student. ‘establishment”, said Gabriel Attal.

Gabriel Attal wants to sanction “disruptive” students during the exam, during a speech in Viry-Châtillon (Essonne), on April 18, 2024.
Gabriel Attal wants to sanction “disruptive” students during the exam, during a speech in Viry-Châtillon (Essonne), on April 18, 2024.
Matignon specifies that he is considering in particular a deduction of points from the marks obtained in the exams. But these sanctions will not be irreversible. “The condition for erasing this mention and regaining these points will be the carrying out of activities of general interest within the educational establishment”adds the Prime Minister’s office.
A questioning of the “minority excuse”
The Minister of Justice will “open the debate” to see if “mitigations” has “minority excuse”principle which means that a minor is punished less severely than an adult, are “possible” And “desirable”, declared Gabriel Attal. Eric Dupond-Moretti must also think about the implementation “immediate appearance in court for young people aged 16 and over”instead of 18 years old.

Gabriel Attal declares that he wants to open a debate on the “minority excuse”, during a speech in Viry-Châtillon (Essonne), on April 18, 2024.
Gabriel Attal declares that he wants to open a debate on the “minority excuse”, during a speech in Viry-Châtillon (Essonne), on April 18, 2024.
“My compass is zero impunity, it’s immediate punishment for some”, he added. In this sense, Gabriel Attal wants to work “to a measure of penal composition without a judge for minors from 13 years old”. The idea would be, if they recognize the facts, to have “one more sanction fast”.
While work of educational interest had also been announced for those under 16, during his general policy declaration, the Prime Minister specified that a circular “will be signed in the coming days, for entry into force as soon as the spring break returns..
Strengthening the “Values of the Republic” teams
The Prime Minister also addressed the issue of religion at school. “Today, let’s be frank, more and more often, the unrest or violence that we hear about at school has an identity or religious subtext. I tell you, there will be no war of religions at school, because at school, the only valid rule is secularism”he said.
To respect this rule, he wishes “strengthen the Values of the Republic teams”, created to ensure respect for secularism in each academy. Gabriel Attal also wants a “systematic reporting to the prosecutor in the event of a serious attack on secularism”.