PHP | Montreal expansion team hires five more players

(Montreal) The Montreal expansion team in the First Hockey Federation (PHF) has announced the hiring of goaltender Marie-Soleil Deschênes, defender Kaity Howarth and forwards Alyssa Holmes, Samantha Isbell and Brooke Stacey for the 2022-23 season.

Posted at 9:55 a.m.

The squad now has 16 players, including 10 forwards, four defenders and two goaltenders. Ten of them already have professional experience.

Deschênes is part of this group, having spent the last three seasons as a member of the Professional Women’s Hockey Players Association (PWHPA), after two seasons in the defunct Canadian Women’s Hockey League (CWHL).

Isbell and Howarth were also part of the PWHPA for two years and one year respectively.

For her part, Stacey becomes the first Montreal player to see previous experience in the PHF. She wore the colors of the Buffalo Beauts from 2019 to 2021.

For his part, Holmes spent the last five seasons at the University of Vermont.

The five players have chosen not to disclose the salary conditions of their contract.

More hires are expected in the coming weeks, along with the unveiling of the team’s official name and logo. PHF’s 2022-23 regular season schedule has yet to be released.

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