With the return of warm weather, Quebec becomes the scene of a seasonal migration of several dozen species of birds, some of which display their most beautiful colors for breeding purposes. This period is always eagerly awaited by ornithologists, because of the diversity of winged fauna that can be observed in different regions of the province.
The Ruby-crowned Kinglet can currently be observed in Montreal, where it is only passing through in the spring.
Alexandre Shields Le Devoir

The red-winged blackbird is a well-known bird whose return to Quebec heralds spring. The male has the characteristic markings of the species.
Alexandre Shields Le Devoir

On the left, a female red-winged blackbird, more discreet in its plumage. On the right, the great blue heron breeds in Quebec, having spent the winter in regions located further south.
Alexandre Shields Le Devoir

The house finch lives all year round in Quebec, but it is in the spring that we can mainly hear its song.
Alexandre Shields Le Devoir

The dark-eyed junco is a passerine bird that overwinters in the United States.
Alexandre Shields Le Devoir

The male northern cardinal’s song indicates the beginning of the species’ breeding season.
Alexandre Shields Le Devoir

The ruby-throated hummingbird makes an impressive migration during which it flies over the Gulf of Mexico for more than 800 kilometers.
Alexandre Shields Le Devoir

The Canada goose returns to breed in the province, after a winter migration to the United States.
Alexandre Shields Le Devoir
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