Philippe Maneuver in a relationship with Virginie Despentes: drugs have played a big role in their history

Philippe Maneuver is married and happily married with Candice Martinon-Boisnier de La Richardière, Director of Promotion at Warner, with whom he had two children: Ulysse, 10 years old and Lily Rock, 4 years old. But obviously, the former editor of the magazine Rock & Folk has a past. And among his stories, besides the one he shared with Carey More – his first wife and mother of his daughter Manon – the man with the immortal sunglasses was in a relationship with Virginie Despentes.

We decided that we were going to get together with Virginie Despentes

Author of the book Acid flashback, Philippe Maneuver tells the story of the beginning of this idyll in his book, published on November 4, 2021 by Robert Laffont. As the title of this biography suggests, the romance he shared with Virginie despentes started out with hard drugs. “I am very comfortable talking about addictions since since the New Year’s Eve, I have stopped drinking and taking coke, he explains to the magazine Playboy. We decided that we were going to get together with Virginie Despentes and we wanted to live it as well as possible. We didn’t want to hit each other, throw ourselves out the window, cocaine the relationship. “

We can’t stop together

For fear of training each other to the gates of hell, Philippe Maneuver and Virginie Despentes did not rush things. They made a pact : stop everything for three months and get together once detoxified. “We can’t stop together, he recalls. Because there will always be one of the couple who will come back and say: ‘Ah say so honey, I came across Machin our former dealer who left me a little memory of the good old days. Tonight, quite exceptionally, it’s going to be a party! ‘ The next day the sweetheart comes home saying: ‘Oh well, I came across Machine. Who left me a little kepa … ‘So ultimately the couple does not stop anything, since each day brings its dose of temptation.

Yes their love affair didn’t last forever, Philippe Maneuver does not regret any of these moments spent with Virginie Despentes. He had also benefited from a recent passage on the set of the show Do not touch My TV to thank her : it is thanks to her that today, he no longer consumes anything dangerous for his health …

Find the interview with Philippe Maneuver in the Playboy magazine, n ° 7, December 27, 2021.

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