“Perversity” describes Trump well | The duty

It is undoubtedly the word “perversion” that can best describe the impulses of the Republican gang leader that is Trump. When Fabien Deglise reports that Donald Trump “instead tried to compare himself to the Russian opponent”, we feel sick at the sight of so much nastiness. Trump did not suffer a billionth of Alexei Navalny’s sentences. The abnormality of the worst president the United States has ever known no longer surprises, but his indifference to the suffering of others is nauseating. Deceit, lies and treachery, yes, but at a time when Navalny’s mother is asking the tyrant of Russia for her son’s body in vain, it is the word “perversion” that seems to best describe the billionaire’s unhealthy mind chief conspirator, who did not hesitate, once again, to narcissistically portray himself as a victim.

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