personalities must “have access to training on climate issues”, insists an economist

Personalities must have access to accelerated training on climate issues, that they understand the importance of such a subject“, estimated Tuesday, September 6 on franceinfo Pierre Rondeau, specialist in sports economics about the controversy over the use of a private jet by Paris Saint-Germain to go to Nantes. Christophe Galtier, the Parisian coach , quipped Monday, September 5, at a press conference, explaining that he was studying the possibility of “move around in a sand yacht“.”We pointed the finger at PSG, but we must not forget that all the clubs in France take the plane for very short trips“, adds the economist, calling for “incentives“to take the train.

franceinfo: On the form, what do you think of this answer from Christophe Galtier and this laugh from Kylian Mbappé?

It’s inappropriate, it’s badly done, it’s badly done in terms of form to be ironic about this oh-so-important issue of climate issues, especially since PSG is already trying to do a lot environmental action efforts.

“There, we have the feeling that coach Christophe Galtier and his player don’t care about environmental issues, are ironic and take this subject seriously.”

Pierre Rondeau, sports economist

on franceinfo

They laugh about it and it is on this that it is necessary to underline the thing. The problem is not so much that PSG took the plane because we know that the club is discussing with the SNCF to organize trips. The problem is really the way Christophe Galtier considered this subject which for him is not important and which even makes you smile. The PSG communications team had probably not anticipated this question and not foreseen such a controversy. Basically, what is interesting is that personalities must have access to accelerated training on climate issues, that they understand the importance of such a subject. These public representatives must become aware of these subjects and of the fact that they must be highlighted in the media.

Basically, would PSG travel by train be possible to set up?

If we make the comparison with the rest of Europe, we have examples of Spanish and British clubs which sometimes organize travel by train and when it is done, they put it a lot forward. So it can be done and it is technically possible. However, it must be understood how much this can lead to many organizational issues that will not translate into economic costs. This would require organization costs, hospitality costs, security costs. A club like Paris which moves, it brings crowds and crowds demand security.

>> PSG: are there European clubs that take the train rather than the plane for their travels?

What we could nevertheless accelerate is the establishment of economic incentives to reduce the carbon footprint, for example via an allocation of TV rights. It should be remembered that 68% of professional club travel is by plane. PSG have been incriminated, but many Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 clubs take the plane for sometimes very short journeys. So, if there was an incentive for all the clubs and also less popular, less reputable clubs to take the train, we could improve things. It is towards a global incentive that we must go, and not just criticize and slap the fingers of PSG.

Do you have the feeling that the world of sport is already making efforts in terms of ecological transition, sobriety?

We could tax this with “greenwashing” but for some time, the Professional Football League has entered into partnerships with various associations for environmental purposes. Very recently, there have been discussions that have been held within the Ministries of Sports and the Environment to find sobriety, energy transition and environmental solutions. There are points that are put forward through what is called the “club license” and the allocation of TV rights on investments in energy transition, in particular on carbon emissions within football stadiums. There are things that are being done slowly, but discussions are already underway. More and more clubs are becoming aware of the need for energy and ecological transition. This is not only for image and communication issues, but also for energy cost issues.

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