The author
Jean-Pierre Reydy was born in 1947 in a small village near Nontron (Dordogne). The four families of sharecroppers practiced an art of living together there which came to an abrupt end in the 1960s. Occitan was their language.
His studies at the college of Nontron, at the École Normale d’Instituteurs d’Angoulême, then in Poitiers and Paris, led him to the CAPES and to the aggregation of English (1971), as well as to a license in Russian. and a diploma in Serbo-Croatian. He taught English at the Lycée de Châtellerault, at the Lycée Pilote Innovant du Futuroscope, then at the University of Poitiers. A specialist in language teaching, in 1996 he wrote an English course for adults at the request of the CNED.
In 2004, he began to use his linguistic knowledge to describe his mother tongue, the Occitan of his village, a language he had never stopped speaking (Our Occitan –IEO Lemosin, 2006). The short story The Hands of the Executioner (Las Mans dau Borreu) appeared in 2006 in Lo Bornat. The Way of the Fountain (Lu Chamin de la Font ; collection of Occitan-French-English texts) and the autobiographical account Vilajalet followed in 2007, as well as various poems and writings. His ambition, according to his expression, is to “revive the language of our elders as a modern language”. The poem Le Moulin Fagnoux (Lo Molin Fanhos) was set to music by the composer Pierre UGA (work for narrator, flute, violin, cello and piano created in 2010). A collection of essays and chronicles, Chaucidas dins los blatspublished in 2014. We also owe him a trilingual Occitan-French-English lexicon of 3000 words, Tot per tresas well as crosswords and mixed words in Occitan, Reja of words.
Blog Columnist The Vita in òc (The Free Dordogne) from 2013 to 2017, but also currently from Rubric en òc (South West), about fifty of his texts and chronicles have appeared in Per ma fe (2017). He is also a translator into Occitan of the Russian authors Pouchkine and Gogol. Lo Nas e lo coat (2017) is a translation of two short stories by Gogol. (information @Libraria occitana Lemòtges)
Per l’amor, his last book-cd
– Novelum IEO Perigòrd
How to separate language from life? In this book-cd, the author Jean-Pierre Reydy offers us a journey between emotions, lived situations and social facts. Understanding the language that surrounds us is the leitmotif of this book, ideal for discovering and deepening one’s knowledge of the Occitan language.
Las “cronicas de vita” dònen mai que mai a bias de vere personau sus l’actualitat e los “problemas de societat”, las chronicles de lenga vòlen illustrate and discuss some original punts from Occitan, more precisely from the Lemosina variety and dau parlar dau Perigòrd-Lemosin. Mas per l’autor, la coneissença de la “lenga” daus libre se pòt gaire destriar de la “linga” parlada e viscuda au pays. Lo legeire saubrá plan i trobar çò que li platz o que li fai mestier: l’experiéncia comuna d’un passat occitan, o ben quauquas remarks e citacions que vendran atisar e nurir sa curiosetat.
This book is published by the association Novelum IEO Perigòrd, you can get it in many bookstores in Périgord but also on the Novelum’s online store :
Agenda of Occitan events in the Dordogne
- Thursday November 3 at the Maison Occitana de Perigòrd, 21 rue béranger in Périgueux – Meeting with Patrick Chalmel, author of numerous books in the Occitan language.
- Friday November 4: Village hall in Milhac-de-Nontron – Occitan vigil with presentations of the books “Dialogues occitans lemosins” by Gilbert Borgés “Per l’amor” by JP Reidi with reading of the texts by the Occitan workshops and animation by Patrick Ratineaud.
– Novelum
- Saturday November 5: Salle des Fêtes de Goûts-rossignol 40 years of Les Chanterelles group – 8.30 pm Traditional ball with the Philomèle.
- Saturday November 19 : Beauregard and Bassac village hall – Ball with Anem trio
Musical programming of the show
- Co. Guillaume Lopez / Etiquetar
- Joan-Pau Verdier / Vielhs e jovents
- Djé Balèti / Romantica
- La Talvera / The papers
- Humus machine / Los Òmes
- Luc Aussibal / Nuech Rodanesa
- Laüsa / La lega crescerà