Pension reform: opponents remain mobilized


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

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Wednesday, April 5, the inter-union met Elisabeth Borne in Matignon. This meeting ended in failure. The unions have called for a major mobilization on Thursday, April 6.

Wednesday April 5, a new meeting takes place in Matignon between the inter-union and Elisabeth Borne. “I heard their disagreement on the raising of the age. I was able to repeat to them my conviction and that of my government of the need for this reform”, says Elisabeth Borne. Sophie Binet, General Secretary of the CGT, answers: “We have chosen to end this pointless meeting, since the Prime Minister has indicated to us that she will continue to govern against the country.”

Disruptions in transport

The unions have called for the movement to continue more than ever. This message is perfectly fitting with the atmosphere on the various blocking points of the day, such as in front of a fuel depot near Orléans (Loiret). The disturbances will continue, Thursday, April 6, for the eleventh day of mobilization. In transport, 3 TGV out of 4 and 1 TER out of 2 will circulate. To be sure to be able to spend the Easter weekend with the family, some have anticipated. The airline sector is also affected, mainly in the regions.

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