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It is the epilogue of a trying parliamentary battle. After new passes of arms the day before, the debates on the pension reform end Friday, February 17 at midnight in the National Assembly. Update on site with Béatrice Gelot.
There are still thousands of amendments to be examined in the National Assembly, before the end of the debates on the pension reform, Friday February 17 at midnight. It is hard to imagine that Article 7, which relates to the retirement age at 64, will be debated. “This is indeed the whole question and the whole issue of this decisive day. Here has the National Assembly, we are witnessing a game of lying poker, each accusing the other of obstructing the debate”reports Beatrice jellylive from the National Assembly. La France insoumise, which withdrew several hundred amendments on Friday morning, as well as the Nudes“accuse the government of deliberately dragging out its debates”says the journalist.
The Senate will examine the text from March 2
“The government, through the voice of Gabriel Attal (Thursday evening)continues to fire red balls at the rebellious France and its will not to want to withdraw all its amendments. It is therefore very unlikely, under these conditions, that the National Assembly achieve up to article 7 from here 11:59 p.m.“, anticipates Béatrice jelly. Also on the program, the motion of censure tabled by the National Rally, by Marine Le Pen. “The text on pensions will then be sent as it is, to the Senate, which will examine it from March 2.“, concludes the journalist.