Pension reform, comments by Gérald Darmanin on the LDH and private jets… What to remember from Marine Tondelier’s interview

The national secretary of Europe Ecology-The Greens was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Thursday April 6, 2023.

Marine Tondelier, national secretary of Europe Ecology-The Greens, was the guest of the 8:30 am franceinfoThursday April 6, 2023. Pension reform, comments by Gérald Darmanin on the LDH and private jets… She answers questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.

Pensions: “We are still as determined”

For Marine Tondelier, the meeting on Wednesday April 5 between Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne and the unions served “to show the determination of the inter-union”. If on April 14, the Constitutional Council validates the text, the environmental leader considers that this will not mark the end of the mobilization: “We all have the CPE in mind [contrat première embauche]the law had been adopted, but never applied” because the demonstrators did not slow down the pace of demonstrations, “There is a similar scenario possible for pensions.”

Controversy around Darmanin’s comments on the LDH: “I am extremely shocked”

In his hearing yesterday before the parliamentarians, the Minister of the Interior suggests that he could remove the public subsidies granted to the League of Human Rights, after his criticisms around the maintenance of order in Sainte-Soline: “He only subsidizes those with whom he agrees and who don’t bother him?” reacted Marine Tondelier, “beautiful conception of democracy. I am extremely shocked”.

For the leader of EELV, “there is a communication war behind Sainte-Soline”. Present on site, she ensures that “the help was delayed and that a way to get them out urgently had not been anticipated”. She says she regrets the ban on the event.


“80% of French groundwater is at a worrying level”currently assures Marine Tondelier, “Last year it was 50% and you remember the summer we spent with water restrictions”. The national secretary of ecologists assures that “the best basin for storing water is groundwater” and “of the 16 ‘mega-basins’ planned in the Deux-Sèvres, only one is in operation and that we cannot fill it”.

Private jets: it’s a “symbol”, “we ask everyone to make an effort”

While a bill from environmentalists to ban private jet flights is being debated this Thursday in the Assembly, “there are symbols”believes Marine Tondelier. “Everyone is being asked today to make an effort. And there is a bubble of people who can take their private jets, drink champagne and play golf on watered grounds”. She denounces the increase “by 64%” of the use of these jets last year, when food aid “explode”. The measure “is not anti-rich, it’s pro-climate”assures the environmental leader, “my goal is social justice”.

Adrien Quatennens: “He cannot sit in the ranks of Nupes”

While the rebellious deputy could be reinstated in his group in the National Assembly next week, “I don’t consider the case closed”reacts Marine Tondelier. “He should have resigned and gone through the ballot box” and “cannot sit in the ranks of Nupes”according to her.

Marlène Schiappa in Playboy: a “communication strategy”

“What questions in this sequence is its timing”says the national secretary of EELV, for whom it is a “diversion” and one “communication strategy” : “I prefer that we debate what she did with the money from the Samuel Paty fund”, the Marianne fund, created by the Secretary of State in charge of the social and solidarity economy after the death of the history and geography professor. According to a survey by France 2, the subsidies paid were used in a dubious and uncontrolled way.

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