PE teacher accused of sexually touching teen

Another physical education teacher who teaches at Jean-Grou high school, in the Rivière-des-Prairies sector, has just been accused of having sexually exploited one of his students, almost 20 years ago.

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“We are talking about sexual contact while he was in a position of authority,” explained Me Anna Levin of the Crown, this Monday at the Montreal courthouse.

Just before, Sébastien McDuff, 46, was to appear under a charge of sexual exploitation. However, he was conspicuous by his absence, so that the hearing was postponed to Wednesday.

According to the arrest warrant, the teacher would have committed his crime between May 2004 and June 2006, while he was a teacher.

According to information obtained by The newspaper, McDuff allegedly targeted one of his students, who was then 15 years old. Taking advantage of his influence over her, he managed to convince her to have sex with him.

The case would have remained under the radar of the authorities, until a complaint was filed with the police. And following the investigation, the Crown felt it had the necessary evidence to charge the teacher.

For the moment, McDuff has the condition not to communicate with the alleged victim, nor to approach her. But during his appearance on Wednesday, he should have new ones imposed on him.

“They will be more restrictive,” assured Me Levin.

According to the Jean-Grou High School website, McDuff teaches physical education there.

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