Paul El Kharrat evokes for the first time his lover!

Since he acquired a real celebrity by participating in the “12 noon shots” then by joining the band of Big Heads of Laurent Ruquier, Paul El Kharrat never ceases to fascinate. But beyond the staggering knowledge of the young man, many are now also interested in the more private side of his life. And on this subject, the former midday master concedes that his notoriety combined with his autism does not necessarily help him to meet someone.

Love relationships among autistic people in general are very very complex, very very complicated even, but they are not impossible. […] Yes, there must have been, but it didn’t go any further. There was no creation of romantic feelings. So on the contrary, my vis-à-vis had a lot more but I had a lot more trouble creating that feeling. Maybe because I know it is destructive and that if I were affected by it I would suffer from it ardently, especially if it is not reciprocal“, he confided recently in the show Le Buzz TV.

Paul El Kharrat admitted, however, wanting to fall in love. “I have this desire to see what it does. ‘Cause I’ve never known that feeling of love. This noble feeling but how difficult and destructive when it is not reciprocated or when it is brought to a stop. But I know that I have this desire to know him out of curiosity. But maybe I would suffer to death if I carried it…“, he explained.

In a recent interview with France Sunday, the young man spoke of a young woman who would have capsized his heart. “I constantly thought about her, constantly wanted to be with her, talk to her, share things… And at the same time, when it ended, it happened to me very quickly. So I wonder if it was really love“, he said before evoking his desires for paternity: “Yes, I love babies! It’s like falling in love, I would love to see what it feels like to become a father. Afterwards, I hope it will be nice, because it’s for life“.


See also: Paul El Kharrat proudly appears with Benjamin Castaldi’s ex!

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