Patrick Vieira tested positive for Covid-19

France’s Crystal Palace coach has been placed in solitary confinement ahead of his side’s game against Tottenham.

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French Crystal Palace coach Patrick Vieira has tested positive for Covid-19 and will therefore not be on his team’s bench for the game against Tottenham this Sunday at 4 p.m., the Eagles have announced. “Assistant Osian Roberts to replace Vieira for today’s game“, they added.

The very holding of this derby of the 19th day seemed in the hot seat, according to the British press, but the Premier League refused a request formulated by Palace to postpone the match which is held for the “Boxing Day”, a day which takes place on Boxing Day and which is a tradition almost as old as the British Championship itself.

On Saturday, it was Aston Villa who announced that their coach, Steven Gerrard, had tested positive and that he would not officiate for the next two days, against Chelsea on Sunday (6.30 p.m.) and at Leeds on Tuesday.

Thirteen matches, including three of the 19th day, have been postponed for health reasons in England in recent weeks, while the United Kingdom is hit hard by the resurgence of Covid-19 cases linked in particular to the identification of ‘a new variant called Omicron.

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