parents of students file a complaint against the National Education


France 3

Article written by

R. Leloutre, S. Trentesaux, B. Ordas – France 3

France Televisions

Faced with the absence of teachers, more than a hundred requests have been filed to obtain compensation of 50 euros per day not replaced and 500 euros for moral damage.

Take legal action against National Education as a last resort. In this school, a teacher could not be replaced last year. A student’s mother decided to file a claim for compensation with the ministry: “As a mother, I had no solution for my daughter who was in CE2 and who did not have a master or mistress in front of her for seven weeks”. With this request, a student’s parent can claim 50 euros from the state for each day of class not replaced and 500 euros for moral damage.

For the State to finally provide solutions, parents from all over France have submitted requests. 121 have been submitted to the ministry, but this is only the beginning. “Dealing with this subject with thousands of files will make it possible to react and therefore to obtain the implementation of real state solutions”, explains Master Joyce Pitcher, lawyer for the parents of students. The ministry has two months to react to the requests. Failing this, the lawyers will seize the administrative court of each academy.

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